Over dinner a few months ago, I was asked the question “Do you feel like you can be yourself at your job?”. I was honored to be able to answer with a resounding “YES.” When I met Chris, I had never clicked with another creative so well. We immediately started working together. In Ivory & Green, I have not only found a hilarious, loving, creative workplace, but a place where we build our strengths together and compliment each other’s weaknesses.
Hi, I am Shae Lynn!! I am your resident Marketing Director, here at Ivory & Green Creative House.

Since starting my career, I’ve been taught to elevate brands and highlight how wonderful people are! I’ve spent much of my career at start-ups, helping build foundational brand principles, including brand identity and strategy. My passion is to help position brands to showcase who they are in a way that cuts through the noise. I want to help brands have ‘show stopping energy’!!
On my off days…
You can find me either outside being active, typically listening to Huberman Lab (if you haven’t heard of it and love all things health, go give him a listen) (love you Andrew) OR I am at Chris’s place hanging out with her and the fam. I feel so spoiled to work with my best friend. I am also known to travel a fair amount, visiting friends and family who are all over the U.S.
To wrap this up, I’m extremely grateful that I am able to do what I love with people that make me better every single day!